Психолог раскрыла истинную натуру Ксении Собчак
Family psychologist analyzed the pattern of TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak.

Психолог раскрыла истинную натуру Ксении Собчак

After the birth of her first child, Ksenia Sobchak a little “slowed down”, and sharp observations on a variety of topics in her blog has become much smaller. However, nature will not hide, and most clearly, can be studied thanks to the popular among psychologists method is illustrated.

Психолог раскрыла истинную натуру Ксении Собчак

Art therapist and family psychologist Elena Vysotskaya, analyzing the picture, drawn Sobchak (Vysotsky did not know whose figure is the case), came to the conclusion that the author of creation often hides his emotions, even the strongest – when the inside comes a real storm. She can be quite long to endure, but when the patience comes to a peak, all the anger breaks out, what can happen to a family quarrel. The psychologist also noted that the woman prone to depressive States.

Психолог раскрыла истинную натуру Ксении Собчак

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