Снимок Наталии Орейро без макияжа взорвал Интернет The singer shared a rare photo where you captured her natural beauty. Fans celebrities have been delighted with this publication. They found that Natalia looks great and seemed not to vary with age.

      Снимок Наталии Орейро без макияжа взорвал Интернет

      39-year-old Natalia Oreiro infrequently indulges fans with new pictures in social networks. Recently, the artist published a picture, which caused heated discussion on the Internet. It celebrity showed her natural beauty.

      “Love who looks at you like you are magic” – these words were signed on a resonant frame.

      Fans appreciated the picture Oreiro without makeup. They found that the actress looks amazing. “Beautiful”, “Gentle and natural”, “Pet”, “cute native”, “Magic”, “Charming”, “Best”, “Our sun”, “Beautiful in any form,” – commented on fans star.

      Later, Natalia has shared another picture that caused the emotion among its subscribers. This photograph shows the dog star. “Rusik and I,” wrote Oreiro, apparently, giving the nickname of a beloved pet.

      Снимок Наталии Орейро без макияжа взорвал Интернет

      Previously, the celebrity has shared a video for the song “Corazón Valiente”. The video for this song was very bold and intriguing. It Natalia proves once again that hasn’t changed since the premiere of “Wild angel”. The fans of the star was in huge delight from her new job.

      Natalia Oreiro seduced train passengers

      We will remind that not so long ago, the famous Latin American singer and actress once again visited the Russian fans. The arrival of Natalia Oreiro became a sensation among her fans. They have been preparing for the performance of a star and gave her a warm welcome. It is worth noting that the surprises for Oreiro began at the airport. The most devoted fans of star “Wild angel” watched her in “Pulkovo” to be the first to meet with the celebrity and give her Souvenirs.

      Due to the fact that the fans Natalia was too much in a public place there was a stampede. Everyone who arrived at the airport, wanted to hang out with a celebrity, to do with her selfie and personally deliver the gift. The same happened when the actress arrived in Moscow. Fans of stars of the Latin American serials almost tore Natalie apart.

      Later in the Internet appeared the reviews of fans of the actress about those meetings. They criticized those who star almost suffered in the crush. “Among the Russian people there is such a syndrome as Natalia Oreiro. Symptoms: loss of adequacy, cast on the object, the countless ticking of the valves of the phones to do selfie, uncontrolled behavior. Reflex – the emergence of Natalia Oreiro” – shared one of the fans of a celebrity.