Фигура «беременной» Анастасии Шубской поразила поклонников
Wife of Alexander Ovechkin was photographed in a bikini.

Anastasia Subsky

Photo: @nastyashubskaya Instagram Nastya Subsky

Recently, the Network appeared information about the fact that Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Sumska will soon become parents. As it turned out, the media rushed to declare the Russian hockey player’s wife pregnant. Anastasia was very surprised after reading hundreds of congratulations in social networks from friends and acquaintances.

“I honestly was sure that life publish verified and reliable information. Well, apparently, not always…” — she wrote. But even after the denials, fans are sure that Subsky is in the “position” and wants to hide it until recently.

So the next day Subsky in the proof of the absence of pregnancy has published a beach photo. In the microblog spouses Ovechkin appeared a picture in which she poses in a black bikini. “My God, how beautiful, Ovechkin was very lucky”, “Perfect figure… envy!” — posted by Anastasia.

Recall that this summer the couple Ovechkina plans to play a second wedding, a celebration which will be held in Moscow. So Anastasia and Alexander now engaged the careful planning of the celebration.