Отец Жанны Фриске об оценке ее имущества: «Квартиру трогать не дадим!» “Rusfond” at his own expense will conduct the examination of housing of the singer. Her father, Vladimir Ivanov, told “StarHit” that will be considered in this case. According to him, we are talking only about the house, which bought the former celebrity civilian spouse Dmitry Shepelev.

      In early March, the court began to consider the case of the missing millions that were collected for treatment of the singer Zhanna Friske. The fact that the “Rusfond”, which transferred money to the account of a celebrity to restore her health, decided to find out where did the money raised by ordinary people. Today it became known that up to 20 April, the experts should assess the property that belonged to Friske, to determine its market value. We are talking about a suburban area and an unfinished mansion, which has acquired Dmitry Shepelev during the illness of the civil spouse, and the apartment building on Shmitovsky travel. However, the father of a celebrity, Vladimir Borisovich said that will not allow you to touch the house, which belongs to them by right.

      “Of course, we know the whole situation, – has shared with “StarHit” Vladimir Friske. – We are talking only about the valuation of the house, which I bought Dmitry Shepelev. It goes to the Deposit account. Expertise will pay “Rusfond”. Since the process will be long, they are afraid that during this time, we all sell out. The value of the home just might cover all the expenses. But touch will not give”.

      Recently, the court suggested that the Friske family to Deposit the sum over 21 million roubles, but relatives of the celebrity was not going to part with their money, believing that they have no obligation to do so.

      “On account of “Responde” was transferred 70 million rubles. Jeanne moved only 25 million rubles of this amount, and it happened in a year! During this time we took her to the clinic for their money. In fact the funds were on the card in the period when she was sent to die and the daughter was in critical condition… of Course, we hoped and believed in miracles. But what I want to say… It was the money Joan. But what became of the remaining 45 million of rubles I don’t know. The case is confusing. The process will last at least another six months,” – said the father Friske.

      Despite the fact that the case of the missing millions lasts a long time, the final point in this matter is still to be discussed. Still the public is ignorant of what happened to the money collected by ordinary people who wanted to help celebrity. Lawyers for the family of a child asked to “Respond” to provide statements collected money, and charity, in turn, demanded a report on the amount spent from the family of the singer and her civil spouse Dmitry Shepelev. “Rusfond” on the court with the family of Jeanne Friske: “This is a necessary measure”