Экс-солистка «Ленинграда» назвала причину развода Сергея Шнурова
Alice Vaux said that he had experienced the same situation as Matilda.

Экс-солистка «Ленинграда» назвала причину развода Сергея Шнурова

Sergey Shnurov and Alice VOX

Photo: Instagram

Around Sergei Shnurov,
at the end of last week unexpectedly announced a divorce with a stunning
Matilda, serious passions boil. In its official statement
parting with his wife, the musician was asked not to create hype around his family
drama and not to violate personal space.

However, over the next few
days — presumably under the influence of emotion he suddenly he became “turn out
the soul inside out”. To the surprise of fans not accustomed to the revelations of the Cord about
personal, he has told that feels the wounded beast, confessed to the adultery, I noticed that the life of his severely punished. However, the true cause of
divorce is the leader of group “Leningrad” was not called. The answer to this question for
he tried to give the former lead singer of the band Alice Vaux, which was previously
a close friend of his, though they later parted ways with the scandal. By the way,
a few years ago to this girl Sergei was jealous of Matilda.

“One and all asked to comment on complex
the situation with the divorce process in Russia. Well, the comment says
The VOCs. — Today in Russia disintegrates over 50 % of marriages. 41 % —
the cause of alcoholism of one of spouses. Most often the initiator of the divorce
it is a woman. I got divorced 2.5 years ago. Also became iniciatorom
divorce. And I do not regret”.

The first to review Alice responded
fans who accused her of wanting to attract attention to loud
information reason. “And what is my PR? I even wonder. I
only cited statistics no more,” — said the singer detractors.

Himself Sergey Shnurov, whose ex-wife calls “the great,
but the tender and vulnerable” continues to share new poems dedicated to
a difficult period in his life. Here’s one:

“In the last act I Piero.

We don’t look anything like that

How false lousy covers.

And the people shout,

Tears flow in streams,

The eyes of the girls,

But I miss you.

Think… think of you.

And will not put my Duma”.

Sergey Shnurov with his ex-wife Mathilde

Photo: Instagram