Конец Бранджелине: версии, которые обсуждают мировые СМИ Actors who have lived together for eleven years, dissolving the marriage. This information was confirmed by a representative of one of the sexiest women in the world. The divorce of Angelina Jolie and brad pitt will become the most notorious in Hollywood history.

      Конец Бранджелине: версии, которые обсуждают мировые СМИ

      For today, all the world’s media discuss the rumors about the divorce of Angelina Jolie and brad pitt. Many believed that regular information about the breakup of one of the most beautiful couples of Hollywood to be real. Finally the situation was clarified, and unfortunately fans of the actors, it became known that the actors are no longer a couple.

      The reason for the divorce, Jolie and pitt referred to as French actress

      “I am very sorry that it happened this way. But right now my priority is my children. I beg the press to give them the personal space they deserve in this difficult time,” reported CNN brad pitt.
      Конец Бранджелине: версии, которые обсуждают мировые СМИ

      In addition, Reuters quoted the lawyer of Angelina Jolie Robert Offer.

      “This decision was made for the well-being of family members. She would not comment on the decision and asks that the family was granted the right to private life in this period”, – reads the statement of the lawyer.

      For a long time in the press regularly appeared a lot of rumors about a possible breakup of the famous Hollywood couple. “StarHit” decided to recall the most discussed reasons for the gap, which could be a turning point in the relationship of brad pitt and Angelina Jolie.


      About the affair between brad pitt and French actress Marion Cotillard started to speak after the filming of “Allies”, which will premiere this year. During the whole time of work in the film, brad fully immersed in work and paid little attention to his wife and six heirs. Beside his on-screen wife, he looked really happy. Also it was rumored that he even missed our anniversary because I was in Croatia in the company of friends. It was rumored that now he wants to settle it on the coast of the Adriatic sea, and even looked cozy apartment, where heal single life.

      The tyranny of Angelina Jolie pitt brought before the divorce

      All for the sake of the children

      Angelina and brad big family, which brought up six children. Rumours started to abound that for the welfare of the heirs of the celebrity couple decided to part. Allegedly Jolie was not satisfied with the relationship of brad’s children, so the divorce could be a wonderful way to solve the problem. However, the sources did not name, what kind of skills are not enough famous actor in the treatment of sons and daughters.

      “Jolie filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences between the spouses. She asks to leave her right the contents of six children and asked the judge to give pitt the right to visit children. She doesn’t want to leave brad pitt right to the actual content of the children and only legal rights” – there were statements from knowledgeable persons.
      Конец Бранджелине: версии, которые обсуждают мировые СМИ

      Quarrels because of jealousy

      Angelina is not the first time suspects his wife of infidelity. Not so long ago freaked her out a statement the singer Melissa Etheridge, who claimed that a baby with a famous Hollywood actor. As it turned out, it was announced that brad pitt was a sperm donor twenty years ago. The actress was indignant and insisted that her husband passed a DNA test to confirm who is actually the father of the child singer. Himself pitt called obsession wife’s “paranoia”.

      Angelina Jolie is suspected of brad pitt cheating

      Not so long ago talked about the fact that the actor was going to terminate the marriage after the conflict that occurred between them on vacation in Vietnam. They went on another honeymoon, but instead to enjoy the opportunity to spend time alone with each other, not set up for romance.

      “Brad was ready to fly back to Los Angeles and apply for a divorce. But friends and parents persuaded him to make one last attempt to save the marriage,” said friends of the couple. Some have argued that Jolie is characterized by explosive character and always has been the initiator of conflicts in the family. The woman nagged her husband jealous and didn’t trust him.
      Конец Бранджелине: версии, которые обсуждают мировые СМИ

      One of the scandals that happened between Angelina and brad came down to the fact that the woman gathered her things, took the kids and left from their spouse. Due to the fact that the family has real estate in different countries, it was not clear where went the actress together with the heirs. It was reported that the cause of the quarrel began to gossip about love intrigues of pitt. Due to the fact that Hollywood diva can’t control every aspect of your blessed, she is cautious refers to gossip and gossip.

      Shortly before that, foreign tabloids were full of bright headlines that a Hollywood actor feels miserable next to one of the most attractive Actresses of our time, with whom he has six children.

      Angelina Jolie and brad pitt can’t keep the family together

      “Brad says that their time with Angelina came to an end. He feels miserable and wants it over with. Cause of discord was the fact that his wife tightly controls it from the first day of their relationship. She tortured him with jealousy,” said the insider. However, this information, like many other rumors, not confirmed as a couple.

      The news of the divorce of the pair has stirred up the whole world, and some publications call them reasons rasstavaniya “UN-Islamic behaviour” pitt. It is estimated that in the divorce brad and angelina will have to divide the overall condition, which is estimated more than in 400 million dollars.