Старшая дочь Ромы Зверя стала фолк-принцессой Olga Bilyk released her debut music video. Nine-year-old heiress filmed the video in Tenerife under the guidance of renowned dad. Wife Roma of the Beast Marina helped them to find the right costumes and locations on the island.

The daughter of the leader of group “Beasts” Roma Bilyk followed in his footsteps. Nine-year-old Olga has been in the music school, where he sang in the choir. The successor of the musician starred in the debut video for the song “Oh, you are my winds, veterochki”.

“I went to one of the reporting of concerts and then invited Ola to record a song to make her understand the whole process in the Studio as a whole,” recalls Roma Beast.

To work on video and dads and daughters began immediately. During the summer holidays, Roma and Olya thought the script and chose the location. Shooting the music video took place in Tenerife. The wife of the artist Marina Queen acted as a costume designer. “As planned, we had to show Northern nature, rocks, ocean. I think we have succeeded, despite the fact that the picture is still quite warm – admitted as Roma Zver. The most difficult thing was to avoid cacti and palm trees in the frame so they were not given our southern location”.

As said the rocker, the shooting took place every evening. The family chose the scenic views and have been working on some scenes at sunset. Nature, shown in the video, amazed the audience with their beauty. Netizens sincerely praised debut creation of Olga.

“That’s holocide… Bomber! Whether there will be”, “What is she genius,” “the Apple from the tree, as they say. Congratulations, Roman! Very touching, clever girl, your daughter”, “Very fascinating! Goosebumps!” wrote the followers of the Roma, assess the work of the successor of the musician. She young singer also was pleased with the shots.

“I liked the video, it was filmed in very beautiful places. I even had the feeling that we stayed with my dad alone in the whole island. But the most memorable scene – the fire, because after filming we roasted the bread and it tasted so good!” – explained Olga.