Старшая дочь Ольги Шелест демонстрирует крутой нрав Muse is not going to give in to her younger sister iris’s favorite things. Olga Shelest, less than a year ago were twice mom told me that the second child is economically more profitable than the first. “Nothing else to buy!” – wrote star in the microblog.

      Старшая дочь Ольги Шелест демонстрирует крутой нрав

      The Sunny and positive TV presenter Olga Shelest, along with her husband, music video Director Alexei Tishkina raising two young daughters – Muse and iris. Girls small age difference is less than two years, the Muse two and a half years, and iris in August will be a year old. Olga Shelest became a mother for the second time

      Despite his tender age, Muse is already showing character. She doesn’t want to give my sister her things, in particular, comfortable highchair. This Olga Shelest said in microblogging, posting a touching photo of his daughters.

      “The chair that grows with Muse, only that it does not intend to give younger sister. Had to buy a new one”, – said Olga.

      However, judging by a picture, on which iris and Muse are sealed together for some serious baby get along well together. The photo shows how the little sister reaches out to older, probably considering it an example to follow.

      Olga Shelest’m glad to have her children small the age difference because it turned out to be very advantageous economically. “The special charm in the birth of the second child, nothing to buy! All is” – happy TV host not to spend too much money on baby clothes. Little iris even sleep in the same cradle, where not so long ago peacefully sleeping Muse. However the elder at first announced his bid for the crib, salasel there without permission when she wants. But wise parents Olga and her husband Alex was able to settle this delicate property issue.

      The presenter does not deny that between the girls there is a certain rivalry and jealousy. “Sometimes when I spend a lot of time with iris, Muse can come and say: “Our malyavochka” – and then give her a fist in the stomach. I said to her: “Why are you hitting her? It is so small”. The Muse throws up his hands. Apparently, instinct suggests that it is necessary to eliminate a competitor. Therefore, constantly be on guard” – shared Olga Shelest.

      Despite the fact that now she has to balance a career and education heiresses, she skillfully keeps a balance between work and home. To the rescue comes the star of the nanny, which helps the presenter to take care of iris and Muse, and of course, husband.

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