Создатель «Шерлока» пообещал продолжить сериал

Modern fans of the cult TV series “Sherlock” with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman can rejoice – the film-makers stated that the plan to remove the 5th season. However, while it is only subtle hints, but they are not groundless.

Fans with bated breath, waiting for any information about the sequel. And in an interview, showrunner and writer of the British “Sherlock”, Steven Moffat said that the picture will have another season.
Steven Moffat said that the year did not think about the fate of the series. He and his colleague, the second showrunner and screenwriter mark Gatiss did other projects and spend all your free time. So, Moffat worked on the TV series “Doctor Who”, and Gatiss was torn between many film sets. The showrunners couldn’t sit down and discuss further the concept of “Sherlock”. However, Moffat and Gatiss have met and decided to continue working together. Stephen said that the 5th season of “Sherlock” will appear on the screen and it will be a Grand return. But there is one “but” — work on this picture, the writers will start after completing all its projects.
By the way, actor Andrew Scott, who starred in “Sherlock” the role of Moriarty, has repeatedly said that fans will have to wait long for the continuation of the series, as everyone is busy. According to Scott, the picture can appear a couple of years.
Now Steven Moffat is taking part in a huge project for the BBC. He will be engaged in the production of the series “Dracula” novel by Bram Stoker. Now critics say that the work is going to surpass many films. It is noted that “Dracula” is designed in a corporate manner by the British writer — the minimum number of episodes, hour and a half duration.
Recall the TV series “Sherlock” was released in 2010. The last season was shown in January 2017.