Обнародована переписка Эмбер Херд о побоях Джонни Деппа The scandal of the divorce amber heard and johnny Depp continues to gain momentum. In one of the foreign media published correspondence 2014, in which the girl told the assistant of an actor as her husband was violent towards her and threatened her.

      Обнародована переписка Эмбер Херд о побоях Джонни Деппа

      For nearly two weeks has around a scandalous divorce amber heard and johnny Depp. The girl complained about rasstojanii marriage, and later appeared outside the court with a bruised face, alleging that the actor beat her. Representatives of the star of “Pirates of the Caribbean” does not comment on such information statement calling the girl a liar.

      Amber heard showed signs of beating husband. PHOTO

      However, one of the foreign editions have added fuel to the fire by publishing the correspondence Hurd, an assistant of actor Steven Deuteron that happened in 2014, shortly before amber got married. Actress discusses with the representative of the Depp incident in which johnny hit her. Stephen apologizes to amber.

      “When I told him that he hit you, he cried. It was disgusting. And he knows about it,” – leads edition of the words of Goiters.
      Обнародована переписка Эмбер Херд о побоях Джонни Деппа

      Hurd was in a panic, she claimed that the chosen one is not the first time he laid a hand on her. The actress has made it clear that he was the victim of aggression by men during their trip in Tokyo and in London. However, despite such behaviour Depp, the girl was hoping he would change.

      “And I always remain. Always believe he will get better. And or about every three months I find myself in exactly the same position,” wrote Hurd.

      According to Deiters, the actor was very sorry about what happened. Stephen was named in correspondence johnny “little lost boy” who just needs help and support.

      By the way, some time after the secret correspondence of Hurd and Goiters it became known that johnny Depp injured his hand on the set of the fifth “pirates of the Caribbean”. Then the surgeons had to insert the actor in finger metal pin. According to Hurd, which I quote in foreign tabloids, Depp got injured, when they are furiously arguing. The girl claims that the actor allegedly struck his hand on the wall. In March 2015, when the incident occurred, the police has not recorded the beatings on her face amber. The actress believes that law enforcement officers do not disclose information about the incident to protect Depp.

      Regularly in the press new details emerge of scandal among Hollywood stars. Rumor has it that amber decided to end the marriage, so as a jealous johnny to the partner on the film “Alice in Wonderland” MIA Wasikowska. In her opinion, the husband graciously took too blatant adoration of a young actress. However, there are many other theories about the causes of the collapse of one of the most beautiful Hollywood couples. Scandalous divorce johnny Depp and amber heard: what really triggered it

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