Актер фильма «Брат 2» Алексей Гришин попал в страшную аварию The man took part in races on the ATV. However, the rest of Alexei Grishin was marred by a serious accident. The vehicle, which contained the artist and his friend overturned. Doctors were unable to save the life of a friend Grishin.
Актер фильма «Брат 2» Алексей Гришин попал в страшную аварию

Journalists report that a 43-year-old actor of theatre and cinema Alexey Grishin had an accident in the Pushkin district of Moscow region. The incident occurred on the fifth kilometer of the highway connecting Gerasimau and Rahmanovo in the vicinity of the village meadow.

According to information published in mass media, Grishin and his friend staged a race behind the city. Men rode together on an ATV when the vehicle suddenly overturned, throwing them to the curb.

According to correspondents, the actor received a large amount of damage, including a broken collarbone and a large number of injuries. As reported by the media, after some time after a hospital stay, medical professionals released artist home, appointing his outpatient treatment. Other Grishina less fortunate. Doctors were unable to save the man’s life, the former driving the ATV.

Актер фильма «Брат 2» Алексей Гришин попал в страшную аварию

Aleksei Grishin was born on 24 July 1974. After graduating from the School-Studio of MKHAT aspiring actor began work in the famous “Snuff”. Grishin took part in such performances, as “Another van Gogh?”, “Matrosskaya Tishina”, “Dinner”, “Idiot” and “Soldiers”. The last few years of the artist can be seen on the stage of the Mossovet Theatre, where he is involved in a number of productions, including “the Cherry orchard”, “the Polonaise, or the Evening of the absurd” and “Three sisters.”

In addition, a man active in films and television series. Grishin is mainly involved in small roles. The actor took part in work on such projects as the “Turkish March 4”, “Eighties”, “Mafia: Game of survival”, “happy New year, moms!”, “Gloss”, “Yesenin”, “the Investigation leading Experts. A peck of gold”, “silver Lily”.

Perhaps the most famous role of Alexei Grishin is an episode in the film “Brother 2”. In the final tape Danila Bagrov and rescued Marilyn returned from America to Russia. They travel by plane and ask the flight attendant, who was played by Grishin. “Boy, you do not understand. Bring us some vodka, we’re going home” – this phrase of the character friend of the main character instantly became one of the most quoted among the fans of Aleksey Balabanov.

Currently, law enforcement officers are checking on the incident of the accident, reports TASS.