Теона Дольникова рассказала, как родила раньше срока The actress spoke about the birth of the first child. It turned out that the plan to be born a boy would later. Fortunately, Theon, and the kid feel great. To help the young mother’s relatives came from Germany.

      The other day congratulations on the new addition to the family was the star of the musicals Theon Dolnikova and her partner actor Maxim Schegolev. The news of the birth of a child for many was a surprise, because artists themselves the good news is not shared in a long time. That woman is in position, the fans also found out shortly before the appearance of the baby born. However, it turned out that it was earlier supplied by doctors term.

      “Yes, I became a mother of a beautiful boy. In this world there is a ray of light. I don’t want to be Frank, I can only confirm that I became a mom, and very happy. My impatient boy so eager for freedom that was born prematurely, so I was in no hurry to tell everyone. But now you need not worry, we are fine. He eats well, sleeps, happy mother and friendly with Sobukwe”.

      It is interesting that his son’s talents Dolnikova notice now. The singer said that the first months of his son’s life to proceed calmly and to support house gathered the native people.

      “Already discerns all the relatives and everyone is smiling, and it seems that he loves this world. Oddly enough, sing to him not me, although I would have, and he told me. Apparently, he remembered the songs I sang to him while pregnant, and now returns them to me. We are both fit and fun. To my help came the whole family from Germany: mother, father and sister. And each take turns changing his diapers, so we with Maxim have time to go to the movies,” – said Theon portal, “OK!”.

      Apparently, the eighth of March, the actress spent in the company of a newborn. Friends and acquaintances have tried to give useful new mom gifts. Artist posted in Instagram photo, thanking for an unusual surprise.

      “Devchonochki! I congratulate you all on the eighth of March! Be happy, smile and enjoy! And I was here yesterday pleased girls who have sent the most original gift I have ever seen. Cake out of diapers”.

      Followers know the vulnerable nature of Teona, so trying to support your idol and please warm wishes in the comments. After learning about the new addition to her family members showered the star with congratulations. “Tenochca, I congratulate you on joining the ranks mom. It is not just “woman”, it is much more filling, more harmonious, lighter and happier. However, you’ll understand soon filled every day of this boundless love for her baby, breathing in that crazy happiness,” “Theon, I congratulate you with Maxim, you make a lovely couple. Happiness, love and healthy children to you! Being a mom is the joys and the hardships, so good luck and patience”.