Athlete – the standard of beauty for many women. For the sake of a perfect body Tatiana Navka conducted daily for several hours in the gym and appropriate diet.
“It seems once I am the Olympic champion, you can go on the ice and performing without preparation. It is not, – says the “StarHit” Tatiana. – To plow, to work hard, and the audience always feel it”.
Before the second premiere of the play on the ice, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, which takes place in Moscow DS “Megasport” from 24 March to 1 April, Tatiana revealed “StarHit” the secrets of training.
“Every day starts with a Cup of coffee and classes, they do not last less than one and a half hours, – says the athlete. – A good hall is right at home. Pay much attention to stretching exercises, flexibility and balance. One of the most effective – coordination using balls. Drawing hands and feet-on-three basketball, perform a plank and then from this position alternately doing short lunges feet first. The benefit is that the voltage remain almost all the muscles of the body.”
In addition, the Post tried a new form of exercise – martial arts.
The “jumps and bumps help to keep muscles toned – continues Tatiana. – Well, raise morale! For several weeks, taking lessons from a professional trainer. And we all are working on a special mannequin. But all the efforts will be in vain without complying with additional rules, for example, without a healthy diet. I added to the diet of fresh vegetables and protein – meat or fish, and the rest do not choose a sofa and TV, a bath and a massage. Husband and daughter support my work, and love to play sports, even younger – Nadia.”