Стиллавин открыл неизвестные подробности из жизни Бачинского Today the tragically deceased showman would have turned 45 years old. According to friend and partner presenter Sergey Stillavin and Gennady Bachinsky was torn between working in show business and Ministry of the Church.

      The Duo Bachinsky and Stillavin for many years has pleased fans of sparkling humor. Entertainers were various programmes on radio and television, which were held with great success. In 2008, the life Gennady Bachinsky was tragically cut short. At the age of 36 years leading got into a fatal accident in the suburbs. His car collided head on with a minibus.

      Today Bachynsky would have turned 45 years old. His close friend and partner, Sergei Stillavin has published in his microblog post, dedicated to a bygone star of the ether. The radio message revealed unknown details of the life of his colleague. It turns out that Gennady is torn between his public work and Ministry of the Church.

      “He didn’t put candles on Easter or when bad – he studied the life of the Church delved into issues of faith with the patristic literature, he lived by the Church and, dare I say, was there in harmony with each other. Nothing to do with “fanaticism” is not have the Gene not only believed, but understood a matter of faith – understand it deeply, philosophically, the heart and mind. He wanted to understand the issue is not with the logic of the agnostic, but as a person with theological education. Of course, while he remained an actor, and it was difficult to suppress the humor that is so valued people. And Gene admitted that purposely holding back – he tried to formally combine work, giving him the bread, with a new attitude to life. – told Stillavin.

      Sergey admitted that, in the end, the inner experiences led his friend to a severe crisis. In faith Bachynsky was supported by the family, but he continued to earn in the usual way, my family in no way needed. On the way he came across scammers who were trying to capitalize on the honesty of the presenter.

      “Gene was looking for out of the contradictory but he was too decent a man to allow internal debate, betraying either their beliefs and attitudes, or those who depended on him, – continued Sergei. – “He did not betray me, saving our Duo, though we all know dozens of examples where teams have broken up because one of the participants suddenly came into his head to start to live or work differently. And when I think about Gene, I am glad that in my life was such a decent Man. Thank you for everything”.