Звезда Comedy Club стал отцом во второй раз Wife of Zurab Matua gave darling daughter. Star Comedy show did not make any secret of the fact the name chosen for the baby. The girl was named after her grandmother showman. Colleagues and fans congratulate the artist with the addition to the family.

      Звезда Comedy Club стал отцом во второй раз

      In the family of a resident of Comedy Club Zurab Matua was a joyful event. 26 Aug entertainer became a father for the second time. His wife Anastasia gave the artist the daughter. Zurab did not hide, what name they have chosen for the baby. A girl named Mary. Parents are happy and accepting congratulations from colleagues and many fans. On the question of why the girl decided to call it the same name, Zurab replied in his usual playful manner.

      “We have here the versions diverge. Nastya believes that in honor of Mary Poppins, and I still- in honor of my grandmother,” said Matua.
      Звезда Comedy Club стал отцом во второй раз

      Now 26-year-old Anastasia and the baby girl feel great. Anastasia with the little Mary was discharged from the hospital. With dad to pick up the sister from the hospital came three year old son Zurab and Anastasia Luca. The boy was preparing for the role of elder brother who will help the parents to protect the girl. According to parents, Luke was waiting for the birth of Mary.

      Apparently, the girl was born just in time. Zurab talked about the fact that the second child born to fall. For a long time, 35-year-old actor and his wife didn’t know the sex of the baby, but it did not prevent them to actively prepare for the new addition to the family. They tried to do everything to his first days of life the child feel comfortable. Anastasia and Zurab even started a repair, the child began its life in an updated room.

      The wife of the comedian tried to monitor their health, the pregnancy proceeded without complications. She regularly attended the survey and remained under the supervision of a physician.

      “Naturally, prepare: the wife, as it should be, visiting a doctor, undergoing all the necessary tests, blood tests – shared Matua in conversation with “StarHit” even before birth his wife. – Nastya feels great and pregnancy is easy. Soon it plans to start construction of a child’s room – I trust her completely in this matter, but we haven’t bought anything overall type Cribs or strollers”.