Стеша Маликова надеется на чудо Today the girl was 17 years old. Relatives and friends Stasi Malikova at midnight, received a birthday cake and made a wish, blowing out the candles. Fans were quick to congratulate her on her birthday.

      Today, the daughter of musician Dmitry Malikov Stefania birthday. The young heiress celebrity was 17 years old. The girl accepts congratulations from the closest people, as well as numerous fans who have been watching with interest over her life. At midnight Stesha blew out the candles on the birthday cake, which was presented to her family.

      “Most secret… guessed!” – Malikov has written in the microblog.

      Apparently, in the near future Stesha is going to throw a big party for all his friends. In the meantime, the followers, the girls rush to congratulate her on a holiday. “Happy birthday, Stefania, be healthy and happy!”, “Happy birthday, doll! Happiness you the largest. Love is tender and warm. Friendship – forever. Health crowded the basket. Let come true all your dreams!”, “Steshenko, happy birthday. Happiness to you, health, success, good luck. Let your heart always love lives. And may all your dreams come true,” he wrote to fans.

      One of the first girl congratulated her famous dad Dmitry Malikov. He made a collage of two photos of his daughter: in infancy and now. He also decided to Express their thoughts through the poem. Stesha Malikova does not hesitate to speak with the Pope about sex

      “Happy birthday, Steshenko! An excerpt from a brilliant poem by Brodsky. Better not say more and does not want.

      Let it be in the darkness
      for you to burn
      star tinsel
      let there be hope
      the palm of your hand to warm
      by your fire.
      Yes there are blizzards,
      snow, rain
      and raging roar of fire,
      Yes there will be successes you have
      more than I have.
      Let it be powerful and beautiful
      thundering in your chest.
      I’m happy for those
      which you may be
      along the way.
      Be always happy!” – addressed the singer heiress.

      Last year Malikov celebrated 16th birthday. Her lover gave Stesha a huge bouquet of roses in the middle of which was paved with the first letter of her name the white buds. However, if the holiday hasn’t turned out as planned the girl. She wanted to hold the event in the format of Only girls. For myself and friends Stefania prepared in advance charming tiaras. Then the girl had to change the format of the party, as at the celebration were invited and the young men, including her cousin Dmitry Malikov.