Звезд КВН затравили за постановку с Ольгой Бузовой Presenter and actress, presented the play “the Man snapped,” in which she occupied together with well-known comedians. A fellow celebrity steel Evgeny Nikishin, Anton lirnyk and Sergey Pisarenko. Viewers saw the long-awaited play tonight.

      Звезд КВН затравили за постановку с Ольгой Бузовой

      In January it became known that Olga Buzova plans to return to the stage. A celebrity got a role in a production of “the Man snapped”. The news caused a strong public resonance. Many fans of the original play was perplexed, because it was playing the star of the show “Kitchen” Maria Gorban. The artist reacted emotionally to the news on its replacement. “I hear from fans that no longer play in the play, who spent a year and a half of life – art, tours, advertising. Sorry that this is happening behind his back. Terribly unpleasant,” Mary shared in social networks.

      Olga Buzova crossed a famous actress

      Tonight was the premiere of the long-awaited performance with Olga. In some scenes, actress and TV presenter had to go to the audience in their underwear. Buzova try to show the audience their talents and the result of many hours of rehearsals of the play. Apparently, the theater remained under pleasant impression from the efforts of celebrity, and shared the photos from the show in social networks.

      Active rehearsal, actress and TV presenter was often criticized in the Network. “Cooking Olya for the play”, – with these words, the star of the team of KVN “County town” Sergey Pisarenko was accompanied by a video, which shows the work on the production. Some social media users immediately began to ask why Olga Buzova took the place of Maria Gorban, and to become a leading and aspiring performer. Reading the reaction of fans, Pisarenko was forced to turn to fans to stop numerous speculation.

      “Friends, don’t scold us! The decision not us. Besides women’s role in the play is small,” wrote the entertainer.

      Olga Buzova itself also did not remain aloof from the heated discussions in social networks. Star with humor reacted to the reaction of the envious. In the comments to the video new colleagues a celebrity has left a few smiles in the face with tears of joy. Olga also thanked Internet users wishing her all the best. “Sing, dance, play performances, lead transfer anything important to the soul, and you know how it is. Though I am not a fan of yours, but in light of recent events, up to you so much, you deserve respect and love, so I sincerely wish you succeed in all your endeavors,” wrote one who follows the activities of Buzova.

      Note also that Maria Gorban previously performed the lead female role in the play “the Man snapped,” tries not to comment on his replacement. In a recent interview the actress said that no longer works in this project, and other details, chose not to share. Maria was also quick to reassure fans, telling them about other productions with his participation.