Звезды не могут поверить в смерть Алексея Мошковича The life of the founder of the Foundation for sick children was tragically cut short. Businessman, philanthropist and the father of five children Alexey Moshkovich died on the morning of 8 January. On the untimely departure of the founder of the organization “life is a miracle” said actress and dancer Anastasia Meskova.

      Звезды не могут поверить в смерть Алексея Мошковича

      The star of the series “Sweet life”, actress and dancer Anastasia Meskova mourns his good friend Alexey Moshkovich, who was known and loved by many people. The father of five children is especially grateful mothers of sick children – several years ago the city businessman, established the Foundation “Life as miracle”, thanks to which saved dozens of kids with severe liver disease.

      Anastasia Meskova first reported the sad news of the tragic demise of Alexey Moshkovich, while calling the cause of his death.

      “This morning was tragically cut short the life of a remarkable man… Alexey Moshkovich, very kind and bright person! A wonderful husband and father of five children. The founder of the charitable Foundation life is a miracle. He saved countless children, helped so many families… And… I don’t know what to say, choked up. Left one of the best… the bright memory! Alexei, darling, darling! Yesterday we wished each other merry Christmas and hoping to see you soon… We’ll miss you!” – wrote in the microblog Anastasia Meskova.

      Subscribers actress immediately responded to the sad news. They hastened to Express words of sympathy and condolences to the family of Alexey Moshkovich. “The bright memory. Apparently, we need the angels in heaven. Forces family”, “what a pity when they leave the best”, “My condolences”, – such comments left under the post Anastasia Melikovoy.

      The message about the death of Alexey Moshkovich appeared on the website of the Foundation “Life as miracle”. “This morning there was our Alexey Moshkovich. We grieve and yet can’t believe it. Our Founder was one of the brightest people,” – says the publication.

      The charity organisation “life is a miracle” Alexey Moshkovich was founded in 2009. About himself he said:

      “Why I give to charities? Probably for the same reason why I do my family, why work, why go to Church, why I love and breathe. Because if you do not do this, then I don’t live, and then I wouldn’t be me”.

      A few years ago, the Foundation began cooperation with the Moscow theaters, with people of art. And such actress as Anastasia Meskova, Daria Moroz, Yekaterina Volkova became the Trustees of this organization.