Звезда «Деффчонок» открыла семейную тайну
The actress is preparing a surprise for his birthday.

Anastasia Denisova

Photo: Instagram

Soon fans of Anastasia Denisova will be able to listen
a new song performed by the actress who many years ago wrote her father. Composition
star “Devchonok” dedicated to his memory, and will present the song on the day of his
birth — 17 may. Nastia’s death is a very complicated issue, and not
just because she lost a loved one, terminally ill

After Papa died, he left a minor son Andrew from
of the second marriage. Anastasia pondered long before to get custody of
boy. For the first time Denisov decided to talk about that Andrew, whom she
has together with his son Yuri, in fact her brother, in a very
a candid interview with the magazine “7 days”. To adopt Andrew, she decided after
the terrible tragedy that happened in the family: due to a serious illness this world left
first the father and then the boy’s mother.

“Dad was motivated to him
had the surgery, — recalled the artist. — I used to sit him in the hospital
a night to just that — to call on doctors, and just that he felt my
love. I must say that father saw and thought several steps ahead. And if
talked about serious things, always without any emotion. One day we just
talked, I entertained father a story, and suddenly he abruptly stopped me
and, as always, calmly and reasonably, said, “Soon I will be dead. And
it is unknown how many will live to Leila (his wife — ed. ed.), it is still very
ill. Promise me that you’ll take care of Andryusha”.