Сын мужа Ксении Бородиной показал свою маму - первую жену Курбана Омарова
Despite her young age, the son of Eid al – Omar is himself leading his page in Instagram, where suddenly appeared the his mother, the first wife of Kurban Omarov.

Сын мужа Ксении Бородиной показал свою маму - первую жену Курбана Омарова

Сын мужа Ксении Бородиной показал свою маму - первую жену Курбана Омарова

According to rumors, the boy lives with mom, but travels frequently and is resting with dad. Marriage Kurban Omarov mother and her son broke up because of his constant cheating, at least so say the comments to the pictures.

Сын мужа Ксении Бородиной показал свою маму - первую жену Курбана Омарова

Many followers Omar said that the woman is much prettier and more spectacular than the current wife Kurban Omarov – Ksenia Borodina. We believe that every girl is beautiful in their own way.

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