Исхудавший Брэд Питт все время плачет

Brad pitt can now be called one of the most miserable in Hollywood. After reports of a divorce with Angelina Jolie, he had to prove that he is not addicted to alcohol and drugs that he is not a sadist and I never raised a hand nor wife, nor children.

Despite the fact that in this respect, pitt was acquitted, with children he was still allowed to see each other very rarely, and when it happens that the meeting is required to present a psychologist.

Brad’s family was not with him at the celebration of his 53rd birthday and New year. Only at Christmas was held on a short date with a Hollywood hunk with the children, during which he presented them gifts and talked.

This state of Affairs separation of actor from his family – according to his friends, plays in his favor.

Pitt is losing weight and crying all the time. “He wildly misses the days when Christmas was celebrated and the New year with the family. He is constantly in tears and not ashamed to show their feelings on people. Brad broken by divorce”, – said the concerned actor a friend.

By the way, after the beginning of the divorce process, pitt frequent the gym. Apparently there is an actor has the opportunity to throw out those negative emotions that haunt him a few months to try to find inner harmony: “He began to do at the gym, doing exercise in the fresh air. He walks a lot and go Hiking. He had a lot of time to myself.”

I hope brad still cope with this difficult period in his life and in the 2017th will happen to him something good.