Шесть жен и 128 фильмов Тони Кертиса
Today the idol of women across the globe would have turned 91.

Шесть жен и 128 фильмов Тони Кертиса

Tony Curtis

From the blue eyes of the handsome Tony, fringed with long
black lashes, crazy women all over the planet. His buddies were such
the titans of the Golden age of Hollywood, like Frank Sinatra, Cary Grant, Jack lemon. They say he’s Elvis Presley
borrowed his famous haircut at Tony and was not ashamed of it. Popularity
Curtis was limitless, but deep down he was never really
confident. After all, he remembered how he started his biography…

Bertie Schwartz, as he was called once a future star, was the son of a poor tailor, and grew up in the Bronx. Six years before he expressed himself exclusively in
the language of their parents – immigrants from
Hungary. English, and then, with a specific focus, the boy has mastered only
when his family moved to another, equally poor and criminal district.
To survive, Bertie had to join a street gang of teenagers. There’s a boy
and have mastered the basics of “acting”. He learned to throw himself under the wheels of a passing
past the cars, and after, to be extremely believable playing the victim of an accident, to lure
the frightened drivers as much money as possible. Did not disdain a gang of Bertie and
outright robbery passers-by. And then, one day, he was caught.

“I was very pretty, and it’s the only reason
I was in a movie… And it was great, because I had no education,
and I probably couldn’t do anything else!” – once remarked Tony Curtis, which was
always ruthlessly critical of yourself…

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  • Шесть жен и 128 фильмов Тони Кертиса
    Elvis Presley

  • Шесть жен и 128 фильмов Тони Кертиса
    Marilyn Monroe


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