Шопинг Бузовой вызвал волну зависти в соцсетях

In the last days of stay in Dubai Olga Buzova made a Grand shopping, what did not fail to tell us in your Instagram. The reaction of the subscribers to its microblog was not too pleasant for the stars.

Olga Buzova shared with subscribers of juicy pictures from vacation. First, the presenter along with her husband went to Singapore, where soon flew to Dubai. A star even in the first days of their journey has managed to anger fans by appearing in the frame in the wrong swimsuit. This time a heated debate has caused a tremendous shopping that Buzova decided to have one before leaving for Moscow.

According to the photos from “Instagram” TV presenter of the project “Dom-2”, it spent a hefty amount on shoes and bags. In the shopping list Buzova was a tiny Louis Vuitton bag with a striking red valve and monogrammed, a pair of silver sandals Jimmy Choo, and dozens of pairs of luxury shoes and bags-Saparov fashion brand Christian Louboutin. Sure, this star did not stop, but in her micro-blog got the photo just above new things. By the way, forgot Olga and her husband on one of the images shows that the presenter bought him a few pairs of sneakers, decorated with the iconic spikes.

As usual, the reaction of the subscribers to the account of Olga Buzova in Instagram was stormy and unpleasant.

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Haters star chided her that she puts off her luxury purchases. “That’s what it means to marry well!”, “It’s very cool, of course, that so many purchases! But why flaunt that stuff? You know what the reaction would be of people?” “I hope the old stuff you are throwing away and give it to people who are in need. The only way to atone for such extravagance,” – commented the subscribers under the with ten boxes of louboutins.

“Everyone is so kind! Envy in silence!” – stood up for Buzova other. The presenter, as usual, ignored the thousands of angry comments.

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