Сергей Шнуров наделал шуму раритетным фото The flamboyant musician decided to recall the past. Sergey Shnurov has published an old photo. Fans enjoyed discussing the time when was made this frame and argued that the artist was inspired by nostalgia.

      The flamboyant musician and the leader of group “Leningrad” Sergey Shnurov has decided to share with fans their rare photo. The picture shows a man posing on a background of fallen trees in the red sweater, jeans and woven shopping bag under his arm. The artist did not specify that it inspired him with thoughts of the past, leaving space for the imagination of loyal fans. He also did not indicate in what year was this frame.

      “The man with the bag” – succinctly signed the Cords of your post.

      Fans of this picture caused a storm of delight. They are happy looking at a picture and remembered about the times of the Soviet Union, when such bags were in almost every family, and some even admitted that they were ready to weave the same pile of Sergei. They also began to wonder how many years Shnurov on the frame.

      “I wonder if uncle Serge, did you think at the time that will be mega cool and famous brow?”, “I think this is the beginning of the 90s, then macrame in fashion was”, “Amazing! Sergey, you are here is very similar to a young De Niro!” – launched a heated debate members of Sergei.

      Fans accustomed that the artist with the pleasure of shocking the audience, allowing yourself to immodest statements and antics. Not so long ago, he admitted to journalists that the fun is walking around without underwear. Cord believes underpants extra item in your wardrobe. Fans can only guess, joked whether their favorite musician or was serious. However, almost every job or the statement of the leader of the group “Leningrad” did not go unnoticed by the numerous audience. They are excited to watch both his work and for any emergence in social networks or on TV. Not so long ago, he led the program on the First channel “About love”.

      Trending topic “StarHit” in the section “Top 100”

      Over the last year Cords, along with a group released several hits and clips that were literally a sensation and were on the top views in the Russian YouTube. Fans do not get tired to admire the originality of creativity of Sergey and his team, and videos they find very unusual and daring, and therefore are happy to revise.