Сергей Лазарев прокомментировал слухи о рождении второго ребенка
At the end of December 2016, media reported that popular singer Sergey Lazarev have a two-year son Nikita.

Сергей Лазарев прокомментировал слухи о рождении второго ребенка

Now periodically there is information about the second child of the singer.

A number of popular publications that Lazarev has a charming daughter.

Last Friday hosted the music award Muz-TV, where Sergey answered the journalists ‘ questions, which touched on the personal life of the artist.

He was asked when he was going to become a father for the second time, to which Sergei replied, “All the time”.

Still many are wondering, who begat Lazarus child, but the singer is not in a hurry to advertise.

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