The singer showed tender feelings for former fiancee.
Prokhor Chaliapin and Anna Kalashnikova with the birthday
Photo: @Instagram annakalash Anna Kalashnikova
It seems that Prokhor Chaliapin finally forgot all their past grievances Anna Kalashnikov. Recently held a birthday celebration friends of the singer and his former lover. At the party, Prokhorov and Anna did not ignore each other’s presence. Moreover, they strongly manifest a reverent attitude to each other. An evening in the company of friends Chaliapin and Kalashnikov were adorned with the joint statement. They sang a duet song from the film “You never dreamed of…”. During the execution of Prokhor gently hugged Anna around the waist and had all sorts of attentions.
Incidentally, in the last month of the relationship of the singer and his ex-bride has improved markedly. If they had studiously avoided each other, after the air of “Let them talk”, where once again discussed the scandal that occurred this spring between lovers, they seem to finally have come to an understanding. And although the singer recently said that the resumption of a romantic relationship with Anna out of the question maybe it is not excluded that after the evening spent in the company Kalashnikova, its position may change.
“Now is still difficult enough — said some time ago the Kalashnikov. — But, nevertheless, we communicate. Started to call up and I hope our relationship will continue on a friendly note, because we are not strangers and we have several years of life. Prokhorov is good to Danya, I really want to communicate, because the son got used to it. Don’t want to cross that. Prokhorov is the closest person to me. I believe that our communication will continue…”