Model and actress Priyanka Chopra heavens and thanked the parents for their beautiful appearance. Now the actress starred in the remake of “Baywatch” along with Kelly Rohrbach, Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson, Zac Efron and others. However, in contrast Priyanka does not support their shape with diets and sports.
“I’m not a fan of exercise and not sit on diets. I love meat. Know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it.. I Have a beautiful Indian genes, so I don’t need sports. But Kelly Rohrbach trains every day, but still wakes me up every morning, to call with him. And I answered her: “Oh, can I have another hour to sleep?” or say that me sick to my stomach. I must say that the guys train like hell until I’m hiding them from your Burger,” said 33-year-old Priyanka.