Беременная Пелагея продемонстрирует изменения фигуры в новом шоу The singer became a guest of the program “Moscow nights”, the new season which will soon begin on “the First channel”. Fans of stars look forward to the broadcast transmission. Social networks have already appeared the first images from the production with the participation of Pelagia.

      Singer Pelageya is preparing to become a mother. The star is expecting a child from Ivan Telegin, whom she secretly married in June of this year. The performer had to withdraw from participating in some television projects. Pelagia left the chair of the mentor show “the Voice. Children.” According to representatives “the First channel”, the reason for this decision of the singer – her maternity leave. However, the creators of the program “Moscow nights” assert that Pelagia will be the guest of one of the esters of the new season.

      In the fan groups of stars in social networks already has pictures from the program. Fans Pelagia delighted that I can once again see the singer on television. Presumably, the broadcast with the participation of women will be out September 10. Along with Pelageya in “Moscow nights” will take part, her colleague and friend, Dima Bilan.

      By the way, despite the interesting position, Pelagia continues to delight the audience with their performances. The singer took the stage in Velikiye Luki on the day of the 850th anniversary of the city. Dress star in Russian folk style could no longer hide its rounded tummy. Fans were delighted with the concert, as recently Pelageya performs much less frequently. Pregnant Pelagia struck fans of a rounded tummy

      The singer tries not to strain yourself during pregnancy. This summer pelage saw the resort in Sochi. The star went on vacation in the company of a friend. According to the familiar family, this direction was not chosen by chance. Pelagia is afraid to fly the plane longer than two hours at this period of pregnancy. Friend of the family told “StarHit” that the singer tried not to appear in places of the big congestion of people, not to cause excess interest to the person. At sea, they didn’t go – still in her position to visit the public beach is not worth it – there are too many curious people, – said Olesya Anoprienko. – Most of the time the Fields were under an umbrella near the pool, reading a book, which she was advised”.

      Let’s remind, that about pregnancy Pelagia began in late June. The star appeared on the celebration of his 30th birthday in an outfit that did not hide the changes in her figure. The husband of the singer happy to be a father. Ivan Telegin is growing the son of a civil marriage, so the athlete already has experience in raising children.