Папа Франциск присоединился к Инстаграму

Modern Catholic parishioners in love – Pope Francis will be now in the social network. About this informed the head of communications at the Vatican Dario Vigan and even showed the expected signature of the Pope @Franciscus.

Папа Франциск присоединился к Инстаграму
On Twitter, the leader of the Catholic Church has already scored more than eight million subscribers (by the way, it can be found under the caption @Pontifex).
The decision to join Instagram. it was taken by Francis field meetings with the co-founder and CEO of social network Kevin Sistromo in the Vatican.
Two weeks ago, Kevin posted a photo with the Pope and shared their conversation.

“I met today with Pope Francis, I am honored. We talked about the power of images that bring together people of different cultures. It was, undoubtedly, the most outstanding event in my life” said Kevin.
Presumably, the Pope to join the social network on March 19.

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