Опрос: какой образ Юрия Гагарина вам особенно полюбился? 55 years ago, he became a national hero and eventually stepped onto the television screen. Among the paintings about the conquest of space were those that sank into the soul of the Russian audience, and now, many years later, people with delight and awe revise their.

      Опрос: какой образ Юрия Гагарина вам особенно полюбился?

      April 12 will mark 55 years since the first manned flight into space. Yuri Gagarin became a national hero and eventually stepped onto the television screen. Many talented artists have played in the movies of the famous astronaut whose name is familiar throughout the world.

      Among the paintings about the conquest of space were those that sank into the soul of the Russian audience, and now, many years later, people with delight and awe revise their. Many critics have already commented on more or less successful works of Yuri Gagarin, but one thing remains the same: the identity of the popular favorite remains a matter of deep respect and unquenchable interest in the audience.

      What is the image of Yuri Gagarin in a movie you particularly liked?
      Опрос: какой образ Юрия Гагарина вам особенно полюбился?Anatol Chelombitko (“the taming of the fire”, 1972)
      Опрос: какой образ Юрия Гагарина вам особенно полюбился?Dmitry Mulyar (“dreaming of Space”, 2005)
      Опрос: какой образ Юрия Гагарина вам особенно полюбился?Oleg Orlov (“Thus began the legend of”, 1976)
      Опрос: какой образ Юрия Гагарина вам особенно полюбился?Vitaly Ursu (“space race”, 2005)
      Опрос: какой образ Юрия Гагарина вам особенно полюбился?Yaroslav Zhalnin (“Gagarin. First in space”, 2013)
      Опрос: какой образ Юрия Гагарина вам особенно полюбился?Valentin Kuznetsov (“Paper soldier”, 2008)
      Alexei Bogachuk (“Main”, 2015)Results

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