Полина Диброва восхитила поклонников откровенным снимком
The wife of a famous TV presenter complained about the figure.

Полина Диброва восхитила поклонников откровенным снимком

Polina Dibrova

Photo: @Instagram polinadibrova Polina Dibrova

Polina Dibrova, giving birth to her husband — Dmitry three sons, has maintained a perfect figure. The other day she shared with followers a photo which appeared in a tiny bikini. Swimsuit gave Pauline the opportunity to show fans her slender and toned body.

Physical form, which is now Dibrova admired her fans. “We should all have such figures after three births!”, “Babe, everything is perfect!”, “How lucky, Dmitry…” — commented subscribers.

Polina, by the way, their appearance is not very happy. Blame the new year’s feast, which in her opinion, left a serious mark on her chiseled figure. “As hard after a week Olivier to enter in a swimsuit, but had to force myself… I’m Afraid by the end of the trip, the situation will worsen…” — said Dibrov.

The other day Pauline and her husband flew to Miami, but the New year the couple met at home with the children. Celebrity couple by the way, in a big way went to the celebration of the year of the rooster. In the country house of broadcaster since December 31, held theme parties. For example, the first day of January, guests Dibrova, headed by the master tried on the role of the gods of Olympus. And the next day they were dressed in Russian folk costumes.

Dmitry and Polina Dibrovy with guests

Photo: @Instagram polinadibrova Polina Dibrova