Фото Риты Керн из повседневной жизни показал реальное состояние груди
Rita Kern is the owner of 8th the size of the Breasts, while the star House-2 does not cease to surprise with new makeover of your body.

Фото Риты Керн из повседневной жизни показал реальное состояние груди

This time she “took up” ass. More precisely squeezed her in tight jeans and went for adventure to the Mall. But below in the photos it doesn’t look so bad, Rita decided to photoshop the “fifth point”, the result is completely disproportionate to the body with two bedside tables on both sides.

Фото Риты Керн из повседневной жизни показал реальное состояние груди

“Finally came to the hall, and after a meeting with my friends. In krasotochka from @krossovking, with free shipping, and if you don’t like it, you can refuse. But this is unlikely, as the quality of the hood.I have long wanted to take him Air Max, so I recommend. And by the way, do you think I need more dresses or sporty style goes? ”

– I wrote to Margaret under the.

A few pictures without photoshop real-life Rita show that, if there’s still inflated ass, then the brunette will be difficult to move.

Фото Риты Керн из повседневной жизни показал реальное состояние груди