People did not recognize Nikita Mikhalkov, who appeared on stage after a month of treatment in the hospital the movie star has changed a lot.

People didn't recognize Nikita Mikhalkov, who took the stage after a month treatment in the hospital For more than a month, Moscow doctors fought for the health of Nikita Mikhalkov. All this time he spent in a special box of the 52nd hospital. The director and actor were diagnosed with bilateral polysegmental pneumonia.

People didn't recognize Nikita Mikhalkov, who went on stage after a month of treatment in the hospital

Fans and caring people were worried about Nikita Sergeyevich and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw his name on the playbill of the play “12”.

On February 6, he first appeared on stage after a long illness .

Those who were in the hall say that they did not recognize Mikhalkov. They say he has clearly aged and it seems that he has lost 15 kilograms.

“All haggard and shriveled, he did not even recognize him. But he did well. For a 77-year-old man who survived such a disease, he is even very fresh “, – writes one of the viewers. Read more: 1 2 next. →

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