Паулина Гретцки зажигает на девичнике в мексиканском курортном городке Кабо Сан Лукас

Paulina Gretzky lives his best life in Cabo, celebrating the bachelorette party of her sister-in-law, and was photographed on a boat in sexual Mononoke.
31 – year-old Paulina Gretzky talks about his killer bikini in Cabo San Lucas, showing off her toned body in a new photo in Instagram. In the photo published her longtime best friend Kristina Melnichenko 20 January, shows the mother of two children on the boat, celebrating the third day of the bachelorette party of the bride. The bride-Sara Kucik, who will tie the knot with his younger brother Pauline T. walnuts, 29 years old, was dressed in a white piece suit with the word “marry” on the front. Polina and the other girls pictured on a boat wearing sexy swimwear with the words “drunk”. Looks like the girls had a great time in Mexico!

Clearly enjoying the Latin American sun, Paulina wore a pink sunglasses in the shape of a heart and matching pink plain clothes. Sarah on his page on Instagram January 20, published the same photo of the bronze beauties and wrote his history in Instagram: “I Have the best friends in the world, this weekend was real”. She noted nine friends, inviting them, including their future daughter-in-law Pauline, at the El Dorado Golf & Beach Club the exclusive beach club is only for members of the club, which stretches along the coast of Mexico’s Baja Peninsula.
Pauline, Betsy, Christina, who founded the company on the management of social networks Social Maison, shares photos of the pair in exotic locations on private jets since then, as she registered in the network Instagram in 2012, calling the Paulina “by her accomplice in the crime”. The Duo posed for sexy pictures on the beach in the Bahamas, and in the revealing Halloween costumes that leave a lot of emotions to the imagination. Although Pauline had been less active in social networks, and her Instagram is currently configured to a private life, we’re crossing our fingers, and Christine inspired 31-year-old girl to return to her Instagram game in 2020!
Because Pauline is going to become closer to Sarah, she also soon going to tie the knot. The daughter of canadian hockey legends Wayne Gretzky, 58 years old, engaged to Golf Pro 35 – year-old Dustin Johnson in 2013. Although there is no information about whether she appointed a date with her fiancé and the father of two children, it is clear that the feelings alive as Dustin leaves the comments to the photo, showing a beautiful blonde in a bubble bath. “Damn, I’m lucky!”, — he commented.

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