Орландо Блум и Кэти Перри вновь вместе!
After 6 months of separation pop star forgave the actor’s infidelity.

Orlando bloom and Katy Perry


Orlando bloom and Katy Perry reunited after a six-month separation. 32-year-old pop star and the 40-year-old actor met at the concert of mutual friend, musician ed Sheeran in Los Angeles. After the speech Katy and Orlando left together on his motorcycle in the direction of Malibu, where he lives, Katie. They obviously could not wait, according to eyewitnesses, to be alone.

Actor and singer parted ways in late February after Orlando was caught at a charity event with the daughter of the head of the Fund. Tonight he gently hugged and stroked in the lap of the girl, while Katie spoke at the awards ceremony of the British actors in London. Someone took a picture of the actor flirting on the phone and sent a recording of Cathy. The singer the next day we got to Los Angeles, and a few hours later, the couple announced the breakup of a relationship. Although Orlando and tried to make excuses, saying that just talked with the daughter of his boss and tried to “be nice”. Because she is the daughter of the man who leads the Fund, which bloom helps.

The novel of the singer and actor began in the beginning of last year and they seemed inseparable. All the free time they spent together and many thought that Orlando will make Katie an offer. After the breakup none of them has entered into a new relationship, although bloom met with different women, and Katy Perry tried to attribute the affair with Robert Pattinson.