Ольга Бузова стала участницей аварии
Recently it became known that TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova had an accident in his car.

Ольга Бузова стала участницей аварии

Olga was driving on MKAD, and in a moment her car from behind crashed into the truck. Buzova escaped with only a fright, but the rear of the car was seriously damaged, as a result, it will need repair.

Ольга Бузова стала участницей аварии

“Fortunately, escaped with a fright and injury. The car dented “ass”. By the way, cars were presented to her on birthday. Secret admirer,” said PR agent Olga Anton Bogoslavskaya.

This car Buzova bought a year and a half ago, its cost is estimated at 10 million rubles.

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