Оксана Воеводина рассказала о проблемах со спиной, которые начались после родов

Оксана Воеводина рассказала о проблемах со спиной, которые начались после родов

27-year-old Russian model Oksana Vojvodina used to share with followers Instagram details of their lives. The ex-wife of the former king of Malaysia at this time told the fans about health problems. In the spring of 2019 she first became a mother, giving birth to a son in marriage with Muhammad V, but according to Muslim law the king at that time already divorced her. Recently Oksana remembered the recovery period after the birth and told how this period of her life affected her health.

Oksana said that before pregnancy she was fond of various sports that she liked. For example, yoga, Pilates, horse riding, tennis. The entire pregnancy she was waiting for the moment when it will be already possible to resume sports, unfortunately dreams are yet to come true. During labor Vojvodina started to feel very bad, so I had to do an emergency C-section. Entered the ward, the woman who works as a anesthesiologist, she looked at the back of the girl and said that Oksana severe scoliosis. Then asked not to move, because the needle can not go back and model in General will be crippled for life. After the injection pain is gone, was very good, but his legs became paralyzed. After the baby was born, Oksana 2 months could not straighten my back, terrible pain tormented her. In the result, it was decided to get a checkup and an MRI. It to research has shown that in the spine the model has three serious hernia, the protrusion and inflammation of the bone marrow.

This post with a story she wrote under the video, where 1.5 years ago engaged in horse riding.

Oksana also told that for that much time, she visited different doctors who treated her in all possible ways, but so far no results there.

Vojvodina admitted that he visited the neurosurgeons, osteopaths, chiropractor and podiatrists. They all offered different treatments, but nothing moved. Periodically the shot in the back there are such strong that it is impossible to resist on a place, that is why sport is at the moment impossible. The only thing that allowed the doctors to do stretching and to swim in the pool. From these procedures, not getting worse.

In the conclusion of the story, she asked her subscribers are not faced anyone with a similar situation, and if so, asked them to share their contacts with doctors.

It will be recalled that a month after birth, Oksana gave an interview to journalists in which he told about the divorce with the former king of Malaysia. The man refuses until now to accept the child as his son. After that, the network has begun the scandals on this account, Oksana has even filed a lawsuit against the former spouse. After some time, the king paid 6 million rubles, and also opened a trust account in a Bank, but Vojvodina had to meet certain conditions.

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