Нюша определилась со свадебным нарядом

The personal life of the famous singer Nyusha was always under lock and key, but the actress could not help bragged about his wedding outfit in the social network. Now all wondering who was the happy possessor of such treasures.
At the time, 26-year-old singer was thought to have an affair with the star of the show “kadetstvo” Aristarchus Venison, then with Maxim Aksenovym, Alexander Radulov, Sokolski Vlad and Yegor Creed. But never news of her relationship was not confirmed. Presumably, in order to PR all of these “novels” were invented by her father, who is also the producer and author of most songs daughters Mr Sorochkin one of the ex-soloists of group “Tender may”.

“Every girl with a fondness for choosing your wedding dress, tried on a few dresses,” wrote Nyusha under the picture in which she is pictured in a wedding dress. The questions of the fans about who her fiancé, the actress chose not to answer. Journalists have found out that this dress from the new collection Vera Wang, and its value is 5.5 thousand dollars.