Никита Джигурда решил оставить старших детей без наследства The actor complained of serious health problems. Nikita Dzhigurda is afraid that will soon die and so made a will. However, the man didn’t mention sons from a previous civil marriage.
Никита Джигурда решил оставить старших детей без наследства

Nikita Dzhigurda continues to plead for the inheritance Ludmila Bratash. During the next meeting, the man became ill. The ambulance doctors diagnosed actor hypertensive crisis. Then he thought about the fate of the heirs. To Marina Anisina in no way needed in the future, the artist decided to make a will. He told about it on air of the program “You wouldn’t believe!”.

“The will was three heir: Anisina and two of our children. Older sons I have not mentioned, they will get what they want to give Marina. When I left Jana Pavelkovskaya, then left for the kids a big apartment, a car. So they inherited I have already provided,” – said the chair.
Никита Джигурда решил оставить старших детей без наследства

The man confirmed that he at any time can have a stroke. Because of the constant courtroom artist has a lot to worry about. However, he did not intend to abandon the fight over the estate of Ludmila Bratash.

Nikita also confessed that he did not communicate with his ex-fiancee, with whom he lived in a civil marriage some years. Sons actor also does not support contact.

“They have my phone number, but kids don’t call. They don’t want to see me, as the mum they told that I was crazy,” said the actor.

The nearest court session on the case of the inheritance Ludmila Bratash will be held on January 29. Dzhigurda intends to present during the proceedings and defend their interests. Moreover, the man wants to publish serious dirt on the sister of his dead girlfriend.

However, the relative Bratash Ludmila Svetlana Romanova refuses to believe the poor health of the actor. In the program “You wouldn’t believe!” the woman stressed that health problems Dzhigurda occurs suspiciously often.

“Look at him, he looks quite healthy, although just a few minutes ago left the doctors. During the previous meeting also complained of feeling unwell, called an ambulance. It’s all fiction, a play,” – said Romanov.

But Nikita disagrees with the opponent. According to Dzhigurda, his health is really suffering due to severe psychological stress. However, he is not afraid of diseases, because it believes in the immortality of his soul. Now the man wants to do everything possible to ensure beloved children a comfortable future.