The heiress of the famed skater to imitate mom. Tatiana Navka showed Hope closeup, so pretty face girl can be considered in detail. Fans of athletes believe that the baby was taken from his parents the best.
Olympic champion in figure skating Tatiana Navka doted in his little daughter Nadia. The athlete and her successor is almost inseparable. Navka tries as much time to spend with my daughter. Two-year-old Hope, in turn, adores his beautiful mother and wants her to imitate. For example, the baby is already doing her nails like mommy.
Tatiana Navka was published in the microblog picture, which they captured, together with her daughter during treatments. The photo shows that the nails of Hope are covered with bright red lacquer. Everything happened fairly late in the evening, but the little girl chose sleeping beauty.
“Well what a dream can be, as we prepare for the holiday. Manicure with mom” – signed picture in the microblog Tatiana Navka.
Fans of the figure skater was delighted with the new photos of Hope. Navka showed her daughter’s face so close-up. So, her fans have a great opportunity to consider Hope in all details. However, a consensus on who is more on the mom or dad – like girl, they never came.
“Hope doll”, “Daddy’s girl”, “Tatiana, how she look like you”, “more like dad”, “Well, hold on, a Prince on a white horse! Princess beauty and fashionista, And eyes. To Skoda like?”, “Nadya is very similar to his father, her happiness and your whole family”, “Beautiful daughter like mom and dad” – do not get tired of complimenting the athlete and its successor followers Tatiana Navka.
It is worth noting that for the first time the face of a small daughter skater fans saw in may of this year. Revealed intrigue girlfriend Tatiana Navka Yana Rudkovskaya. She has published in his Instagram the little Hope, which was perfectly seen the face of an angel daughter Tatiana Navka. The photo was taken during the celebration of the birthday of Philip Kirkorov. Tatiana Navka no longer hide the youngest daughter
We will remind, the daughter of Tatiana Navka was born in August 2014, in one of clinics of Moscow. The skater has spent the first few months of pregnancy in Italy, but the bear decided, unlike many celebrities in Russia.