Новый стиль: Кристина Орбакайте стала выглядеть ровесницей младшего сына
The singer has baffled fans.

Kristina Orbakaite Denis Baysarov

Photo: @_denny_denny_ Instagram

Christina Aguilera will soon celebrate 46 anniversary, but it seems that time goes in the opposite direction. With each year the actress looks younger. Recently, the network appeared the photo sharing Christine and her youngest son of Denis Baisarov. Aguilera dressed for a meeting with him in the youth style and began to look his age.

The picture was published in the microblog Denis and fans for some time argued about who was captured in the photo next to it. “Maybe it’s his girlfriend?” — asked questions subscribers. However, Baisarov was disappointed with “pet detectives”, admitting that in the photo posing next to her mother.

Christina received a lot of favorable comments from the fans. New singer’s style is liked even her most stringent critics. “Denis Beau, and mom especially!”, “Amazing, both of you! Danny has grown up, and Christina younger every day!”, “Great!”, “The beauty is indescribable!” — texted her.

By the way, the Aguilera family, now occupied by the organization of the upcoming wedding of the eldest son of the actress Nikita Presnyakov. Not so long ago he proposed to his sweetheart Alena Krasnova and is now preparing for the gala event. Christine said that will play a wedding in the summer or early fall. And Aguilera and her mother, Alla Pugacheva, has long been along with the future daughter-in-law and the choice of the heir does not survive. Moreover. Nikita and Alena have been Dating for more than three years, and know each other since childhood.