Родные звезды «Голоса» Андрея Давидяна сцепились в борьбе за наследство Mother and children of the singer can not divide his property. Daughter of Andrew Davidian Catherine believes that her grandmother is trying to deceive lawyer Laura Escamilla VEGA. However, counsel submits that protects the interests of the relatives of the deceased musician.
Родные звезды «Голоса» Андрея Давидяна сцепились в борьбе за наследство

Andrey Davidyan died in November 2016. The man had a stroke, which he slipped into a coma. The tragic news shocked fans of the artist, who became famous thanks to the show “the Voice”.

Almost immediately after the death of a musician of his relatives began fighting over the estate. Andrew daughter from different marriages claim to share in the apartment, where he now lives 92-year-old mother of the singer. Ex-wife Davidian Anna Abramochkin told that the battle for property has been ongoing for a year and a half.

The mother of the deceased party “Voice” Andrey Davidian evicted from apartment

“Andrew was the apartment where he now lives with his mother, and also the machine. However, the most interesting things with cash Andrew. In his apartment at the time of death was twenty thousand dollars, ten thousand euros and 150 thousand rubles. All the money his lawyer Laura put on his account, claiming that it wanted my ex-husband. She now manages these funds, not having any rights,” said Anna.
Родные звезды «Голоса» Андрея Давидяна сцепились в борьбе за наследство

Ex-wife Davidian outraged that a lawyer intervenes in family Affairs and does not allow relatives to solve the issue with inheritance. The Studio program “the Stars aligned” appeared Laura, a lawyer.

The woman immediately began to behave rudely, stressing that daughters and ex-wives Davidian trying to Rob his elderly mother.

“All these months I provide Zlata S. and her second son. When Andrew died, they even no one visited. Nine days no one brought them food. Do you think this is normal? And now these speculators try to take away older women her apartment. While I fully pay all the bills in the family, they buy products and transfer money,” said Laura.
Родные звезды «Голоса» Андрея Давидяна сцепились в борьбе за наследство

During the program it turned out that the owner of the property was considered Andrey Davidyan. After the divorce of his parents apartment went to his sole use. That is why the children of the artist have the right to claim this property. However, the lawyer and the mother of the singer refuse to believe in the veracity of this information.

The Studio came and friends, Andrey Davidian. They said that could raise money for a monument for the artist, but I can’t get it to install.

“We have 500 thousand on the monument. However, the brother of Andrew, who is the official caretaker of the tomb does not give us permission to install. He wants to get the money for the right to erect a memorial plate. We encourage relatives of Andrew, at least temporarily forget about the carve-up of money for the sake of his memory,” said friends of the artist.

At the end of the program the daughter Davidian urged the grandmother not to believe Laura, who, according to the girls, trying to assign the property of the deceased himself. However, Zlata S. did not want to listen granddaughter. Apparently, the fight over the estate continues.