Наташа Королёва справилась с тяжелой депрессией The singer told, how to survive a difficult period of his life. Natasha Koroleva thank my husband, who found a way to get her out of the depressed state. Now the actress is happy that lives life to the fullest.

      Наташа Королёва справилась с тяжелой депрессией

      The public life of the people seems very ordinary people by a succession of secular parties, performances and entertainment. However, some celebrities are also faced with depression and bad mood. Popular singer Natasha Koroleva was just going through a tough period of his life and was able to get out of depression due to her husband Sergei Glushko.

      “I needed to overload – to find new sources of strength and joy. I have tried a variety of meditative techniques, took seriously the health. Had a lot to do. Sergei took me to the Holy stream, although I can’t call my husband a religious man. The temperature of the water is always a plus four. And I had to dive head – three sets of three times. Such a ritual. And really helped me!” recalls Queen.

      Despite the fact that 30 years Natasha was enjoying the fullness of life, the 40-year milestone for her was really a challenge. And so the Queen believed that the midlife crisis is not just talk. Natasha began to notice that her usual cheerfulness and positive Outlook on life gave way to indifference. But now the singer is glad that we were able to overcome a difficult period.

      “I regained interest in life. But when he emerged from the crisis, we saw changes: changed my attitudes, priorities have shifted. I began to understand how the material world is illusory and the spiritual, on the contrary, is important,” said the Queen.

      Moreover, many fans remember the intimate scandal that touched the family of Natasha. In the Network appeared the photographs from the archive of the Queen and Glushko. The singer is still outraged by the audacity of the act of the journalists who did not hesitate to publish such images. Natasha could not remain indifferent to unacceptable behavior of people who decided to put her private life on public display.

      “Here we are family. Accordingly, both spouses are entitled to everything, including sex. Any how, I will emphasize, the couple. We don’t allow reporters, and all other prying into our bedroom. Not necessary to climb there! But some unscrupulous people somehow stole these photos and video to earn, while others unscrupulous they bought stolen and brought to public attention”, – said the Queen and an interview with the magazine Hello.

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