Наталия Власова поведала об истинных причинах развода
A few months ago it was reported that the singer Natalia Vlasova is divorced from her husband, Oleg Novikov.

Наталия Власова поведала об истинных причинах развода

All this time, the singer preferred not to tell about why they came to this decision. So the other day finally Natalia told that they were going for a long time, in the end, the point in the relationship put at the end of last summer.

Наталия Власова поведала об истинных причинах развода

“Then at some point we quietly turned just in relatives. And then in neighbors. Each started their own lives. Communication has become somewhat commonplace. Habit. And the contrast with how it was before, turned out to be quite a sad picture. We stopped to recharge each other’s energy, moved away from each other, and realized that turning back was just a no-no”, – said Vlasov.

Recall that the couple had been married for twenty years, so the news divorce shocked fans of the artist.

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