Наталия Гулькина: «Любите и иностранцев, и моряков дальнего плавания!»
The singer was supported by Russians offended by the clip.

Natalia Gulkin

the height of the world Cup Natalia gulkin presented a clip in
support Russian women, insulted condemning
the statements of some men on the Internet and the media. In his statement, one of
the authors call the behavior of our compatriots during the world Cup
unacceptable, and all the girls, getting acquainted with foreign
the fans “disgracing themselves and the country, ready to push
legs at the mere sound of a foreign speech.”

The material caused a huge
resonance in the Internet, in support of the fair sex made a
the media and independent opinion leaders, among them
Yuri Dude. New
song Natalia Gulkina “you Have me” calling all girls “score”
and to act only at the behest of the heart. The namesake clip
Director Alexei Igudina illustrates a loving, caring relationship
the captain and his lover away from each other.”Have
love has no borders no nation! — says the singer. — What’s the difference who
to love an alien, a sailor, or fan of football? The main thing that all
was happy!I think that many of the advocates of morality and of themselves would not
mind to have romantic relationships with foreign women, but for the world Cup
came mostly some men. And actually, I want to remind everyone that
our girls are not only the most beautiful but also most loyal — we always
wait for your character even from the most distant expeditions.”