Настя Ивлеева осталась без партнера
Co-host star of the “eagle and Tails” left the project.

Ivlieva Nastya and Anton Ptushkin

Anton Ptushkin, one of the highlights of the show “heads and Tails” took
the decision to leave the project, which he led in a pair with Anastasia Ivlieva. About it himself
video blogger announced on its YouTube channel.

Ptushkin said that he had no conflict with any of the participants, “eagle
and Tails,” which became his second family. He urged them not to do it
care the tragedy, as the project will develop new presenters.

“”Heads and Tails” is a television project, for eight years of existence
leading which came and went. Moreover, the arrival of new, fresh, faces
one of the conditions of the existence of such steep
project and one of the reasons why you watch it,” says Anton.

Who will become the leading Ptushkin’s composition is still unknown, but now Anton
asked to refer to the coming of the “new guy” friendly and tolerant.

“When we came with her to the project
then we poured such a number (this is not a TV – you can say) g****
(negative), which were scattered on the fan. It was, in fact, in the first
time is very difficult,” recalls Anton.

As for the future plans of the Ptushkin’s composition, he intends to continue
to travel and to vlog.