Настасья Самбурская не смогла промолчать на критику Елены Летучей
Recently, well-known TV presenter Elena Letuchaya spoke with restaurateur and TV presenter Dmitry Levitsky on his YouTube channel.

Настасья Самбурская не смогла промолчать на критику Елены Летучей

During the conversation, Elena remembered and his work on the program “Reetro”. She made unflattering comments about the former host of Olga Romanov and the current leading Nastasya Samburski, which infuriated the latter.

Настасья Самбурская не смогла промолчать на критику Елены Летучей

“One of my friend TV presenter was expelled from his seat because of the nasty nature. She’d tell everyone who produced the show, although in reality it was nothing like this. She was an ordinary presenter. The project was assembled by the team and invited her to the position of leading the team. But at some point, this woman is crazy and she decided that the whole show rests on her personal qualities, although again, it’s a team effort,” said Nastasia.

Recall that Volatile two years had a program, but then announced his retirement, after which her place was begun to find a replacement.

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