Надя Ручка впервые показала округлившийся живот
The singer told about how pregnancy changed her life.

Надя Ручка впервые показала округлившийся живот

Nadia Handle

Photo: @nadiaruchka Instagram

Nadia Handle

Photo: @nadiaruchka Instagram

Nadia Pen shared in social media the first photo, which showed the fans rounded belly. The actress was photographed in Sochi, where he now conducts a small vacation. The singer is eagerly awaiting the birth of first child and watching with interest the changes in his body.

Nadia noticed that pregnancy changes all her surroundings. “Life is so wonderfully arranged. Now I’m surrounded by pregnant women and kids… I was always sure that everything arrives on time, our willingness, and not when we think we are ready. Ever my “files” is not clogged with unnecessary or untimely information. Now the dose of the unknown is just pouring on me, as from a cornucopia, and I with enormous joy and gratitude absorb it!” — says the singer.

It so happened that just at that moment, when Nadia found out about her “interesting position,” she with future husband Denis has completed a Grand renovation in the apartment. The artist began to speculate about future changes in life before the pregnancy. “Shortly before I learned that I would become a mother, we had built in the courtyard shopping children’s center, where there is always a bunch of strollers and kids, and I thought, this is no accident — laughing Pen. — Actually, I think all the time. After the first year of our Denis living together in November, beloved proposed to me and we started a Grand renovation in the apartment. I think we, women, subconsciously feel, when ready for motherhood, especially when we meet the true love of the person ready to live life”.