Надежда Сысоева готовится стать мамой Star Comedy Woman started talking about heirs. The girl frankly admitted that dreams about it. Nadezhda Sysoeva started looking at clothes for future kids. As the artist, her partner also adores children.

      32-year-old participant Comedy Woman Nadezhda Sysoeva is in a relationship with 46-year-old producer Ilya state planning Committee Bachurin. First couple hid his affair, but after some time the lovers started to appear at social events. Apparently, all the lovers seriously. Hope Ilya can’t hide their feelings for each other. But for full happiness Sysoeva lacks just one. The girl admitted to journalists that dreams of the heirs. Moreover, it is also beginning to look after things for future kids.

      “My man should be confident, kind and love children because I want to be a mother… I Want two. The girl and the girl… (laughs). I grew up surrounded by boys: my brother, cousins, second cousins, nephews. All my childhood I spent with them in the yard, played “war games”, football, ran the garages. At the same time, by the way, played the piano and loved to make homemade fashion shows. Perhaps that’s why now I dream about my daughter that I would do all sorts of hairstyles, weaving braids, dressed in beautiful dresses… Now so much to offer in children’s shops that I every time I walk past shop Windows, almost the food of emotion!” – shared the girl.

      Earlier in the press there were rumors that Nadezhda Sysoeva plans to marry his chosen one. However, this is not known. Apparently, the lovebirds already live together and are thinking about a future together. In a conversation with “StarHit” the Hope said that it is still too early to talk about marriage.

      Recall that on a new dearie participants Comedy Club Hope Sysoeva became known this summer. “StarHit” first reported that the producer previously encountered with RAVENOL Kursovoy, had an affair with a pretty blonde. At first the lovers carefully concealed their relationship, so as not to attract attention. But over time started to go out – couples first appearance in public took place in October last year. Then Elijah and Hope are appreciated Comedy “Hold your fire, baby!”.

      Ex-boyfriend Ravshan Kursovoy had an affair with star Comedy Woman

      By the way, Hope Sysoeva not only participates in the filming of the Comedy Woman. The girl is also a singer and a DJ. In 2014, the artist released the song “feel” created in collaboration with Evgeny Piliavin. The video has garnered over four million views on YouTube. In his microblog Sysoeva thanked colleagues for their excellent work.

      In an interview with reporters Sysoyev admitted that he is very happy. Participant Comedy Woman and the singer told wmj.ru that it has almost everything you need – a job, a healthy family, as well as the smart man is here.