Мать приемной дочери Анджелины Джоли и Брэда Питта хочет ее увидеть

The biological mother of Zahara, the Pressure Mentewab asked angelina Jolie to allow her to communicate with her daughter.

Daughter Angelina Jolie (Angelina Jolie) and brad pitt (Brad Pitt), Zahara (Zahara Jolie-Pitt) 12. The actress adopted her during one of his charity missions as Ambassador to the United Nations in 2005. This week mother girls Mentewab Presses (Mentevab Davit) gave an interview with the Daily Mail and turned to Jolie with a request — she asks her about meeting her daughter.

“I just want her to know that I’m alive and I want to chat with her. I’m not asking to bring her back, I just want to stay in touch with her, says Dawit. —I understand that Zahara Angelina is the real mother, she brings her early childhood, but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss. I think about her every day, want to hear her voice and see. In her birthday I feel very sad that I can’t celebrate it together with her.”

When Jolie and pitt had adopted a baby girl, they were sure that the girl has no relatives. It was later revealed that the girl’s mother alive. She accused the actors and the Ethiopian authorities in the fraud and demanded the return of the child, but the conflict was quickly resolved.

Now the actors have six children: Shiloh (Shaloh Nouvel), Knox (Knox), Vivienne (Vivienne), Maddox (Maddox Jolie-Pitt), Zahara and pax Tien (Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt). With whom the children will stay after divorce is still unknown.